Day 1

Day 1

This bootloader game can be generated from text that fits in a tweet.

Size of download is 893 bytes.


Day 2

Day 2

No disk image today, but a new release candidate for QEMU: Version 5.2.0-rc4 has just been published yesterday – please download the package and give it a try!

Size of download is 102 MB


Day 3

Day 3

GW-BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language and it came with MS-DOS. It was open-sourced on May 21st 2020 under the MIT License. The famous BASIC game DONKEY.BAS is included as a demo.

Size of download is 10.2 MB


Day 4

Day 4

bootRogue, a roguelike game that fits in a boot sector (511 bytes) by Oscar Toledo G.

Size of download is 1936 Bytes


Day 5

Day 5

lights, a memory game that fits in a boot sector (512 bytes) by Oscar Toledo G.

Size of download is 1211 Bytes


Day 6

Day 6

BootMine, Bootable minesweeper game in a 512-byte boot sector by BLevy

Size of download is 1959 Bytes


Day 7

Day 7

Visopsys is a hobby graphical, network-capable alternative operating system released under the GPL.

Size of download is 3.1MB


Day 8

Day 8

Fountain.bin is a demo created as an entry into an irc floppy assembly demo contest.

Size of download is 1616 bytes


Day 9

Day 9

Incredible ray-tracing demo in a QEMU "data disk" in a boot loader

Size of download is 1576 bytes


Day 10

Day 10

No disk image today, but a link to the new release for QEMU: Version 5.2.0 is now official! This release contains 3200+ commits from 216 authors.

Size of download is 102 MB


Day 11

Day 11

Say good bye to LM32 (a target that has been marked as deprecated) by running the Flickernoise GUI a last time before the LM32 code gets removed.

Size of initial download is 1.1k, but downloads an additional 11MB


Day 12

Day 12

A tribute to John Conway, written in rust and bootable on baremetal

Size of initial download is 54k, which includes the binary and source


Day 13

Day 13

Another bootloader game, fend off Invaders, moving left and right with ctrl and alt, firing with shift. Let us know if you manage to stop them all!

Size of the download is 1504 bytes.


Day 14

Day 14

EggOS is a demonstration of using Go as the basis for a unikernel. It is definitely still in experimental mode, but demonstrates some interesting ideas.

Size of the download is 17.3 MB.


Day 15

Day 15

MicroSnow is a build of Slim Bootloader, replacing the micropython based config software with a snowstorm over serial.

Size of the download is 631K.


Day 16

Day 16

OpenWrt Privoxy is a custom installation of OpenWrt built to serve as a privacy-preserving http proxy

Size of the download is 25MB, and is fetched by the run script.


Day 17

Day 17

Row on PowerPC Try to get your presents home in the game "Stupid Creek. Stupid Christmas." running in QEMU's “mpc8544ds” PowerPC machine emulation.

Size of the download is 2.9 MB.


Day 18

Day 18

CubicDoom is another nanochess bootloader game. This time, it uses ray-casting to give a 3D experience in just over 500 bytes

Size of the download is 1606 bytes.


Day 19

Day 19

Let's hope that Santa did not get lost in this 512 byte boot sector snow storm...

Size of the download is 1323 bytes.


Day 20

Day 20

How to reboot the Matrix? Find out with this little 512 byte boot sector demo.

Size of the download is 4428 bytes.


Day 21

Day 21

Check out this christmas tree with just enough root!

Size of the download is 14.9MB.


Day 22

Day 22

Ventoy boots isos from a flash drive, supporting a wide variety of targets.

Size of the download is 31 MB.


Day 23

Day 23

ELKS supports venerable 8088 processors with a linux-like operating system, network and all!

Size of the download is 823K.


Day 24

Day 24

And a Hippo New Year lets you enjoy a game as a little house hippo, in an interactive fiction running on PPC.

Size of the download is 3.7M.



The QEMU Advent Calendar 2020 features a QEMU disk image each day of December until the 24th. Each day a new package becomes available for download.

Every download contains a little 'run' shell script that starts the QEMU emulator with the recommended parameters for the disk image. Disk images are either contained directly in the download or are downloaded by the 'run' script (you need to have installed 'curl' or 'wget' in that case).

The disk images contain interesting operating systems and software that run under the QEMU emulator. Some of them are well-known or not-so-well-known operating systems, old and new, others are custom demos and neat algorithms.

The 'run' scripts (and disk images if included in the download) were created by volunteers from the QEMU community to showcase cool software that QEMU can run.


To get in touch please send an e-mail to Eldon Stegall <> (and and CC: if you also want to discuss your topic publicly on the QEMU mailing list).